Virtual Sound Healing Sessions

“With a pure loving intention of calling in the energy of your clients, guides and universal forces, asking their permission to work with their energy, you can maintain spiritual boundaries and work with energy the same way you would in person.” -Charlie Christie

A Virtual Sound Therapy session is a healing sound experience uniquely crafted to support your healing journey.

It has been scientifically proven that the number one root cause for illness and disease is stress and imbalance in our body systems. With sound and vibration the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system may be brought into balance. The vibrations of gongs, crystal bowls, Himalayan bowls, drums, chimes and more support deep relaxation, harmonizing the human biofield and the natural healing processes of the body.

Your session begins with a discussion about your immediate needs. You can choose to address any particular area of your life where you want to bring healing energy. This area may be emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual. Together we will establish an intention to work with during the sound session.

These virtual session will be held via zoom. You can choose either a 1 hour full session or a 30-minute Tune-Up session. If you are a new client, a 1 hour full session is recommended to allow us to get to know each other and to establish an intention. Shorter Tune-Up sessions are available for repeating clients.

Professional studio microphones capture the vibrational field in stereo and convey it directly to you. Over-ear headphones or a pair of stereo speakers are recommended for these sessions. If these are not available you may use what you have.

Schedule your Session